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So far Staff Reporter has created 712 blog entries.

56 Illegal Migrants Detected At Thangmeiband, Manipur

Yesterday, a joint drive with JCILPS and TUYC ended with detection of many migrants residing without the valid documentation. Convenor of Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System, Student’s Wing, Manjit Sarangthem shared with the media that 56 non-locals were detected at Thangmeiband Khomdram Selungba Leikai and Thangmeiband Hijam Dewan Lekai. Two of them were

By |2018-05-28T01:44:20+05:30May 28th, 2018|Categories: Manipur, Northeast India|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Manipur Women Lieutenant Sougrakpam Vijaya Makes History By Sailing Across The Globe

A young Manipur woman, lieutenant, S. Vijaya Devi became part of the first all-women team from India to achieve historic accomplishment. Prime Minister, Narendra Modi had also expressed his heartfelt happiness over the great achievement. Navika Sagar Parikrama was aimed at promoting women empowerment along with the Government of India’s thrust for Nari Shakti. The

Pass Percent In Manipur Highest In Last 10 Years

Education minister Thokchom Radheshyam has declared HSLC result on Friday evening in Imphal. The pass percentage in the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education Manipur (BOSEM) is 73.18. This year, it is recorded as the highest figure in this decade. Last year, it was around 67 percent. In 2013, it was recorded around

Coca-Cola or Pepsi 'Comparable To Heroin' In How It Stimulates The Brain's Reward And Pleasure Centers

It is medically proven that sugary drinks in your daily diet can lead you to tooth decay, obesity and type 2 diabetes. You might be aware of this knowledge talking. But, you might have never worried about the impact of these beverages in your day to day diets. Have you ever thought about this? A

Home Ministry Creates New Division To Address Issues Of Women Security

Across India, the voice for having some concern over women safety at the government end was raising in a great manner. Now, the Home Ministry has come up with a division to address issues related to security of women comprehensively. Recently, a statement was released from the Home Ministry and it said about this division.

By |2018-05-26T00:56:35+05:30May 26th, 2018|Categories: Featured, India|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Manipur New Source Of Cross-Border Child Trafficking

On the eve of the International Missing Children’s Day, child rights group CRY has presented a report about cross-border human trafficking in India. As per the report, Manipur has emerged as the new source of cross-border human trafficking in India. Keisham Pradipkumar, member of Manipur Commission for Protection of Child Rights (MCPCR) shared that this

Three Held At Tengnoupal, Manipur With Fake Aadhaar Cards

Yesterday, Tengnoupal district police arrested three illegal immigrants, suspected Rohingya Muslim during vehicle check post along Asian Highway Imphal Moreh road, at around 5 pm. All these were carrying fake Aadhaar cards. As per reports, Senapati district police intensified frisking and checking to identify non locals coming inside the State at Mao gate.  During the

In Manipur, Assam Rifles Distributes 1.10 Lakh Plants For Income Generation Through Afforestation

Assam Rifles distributed 1,10,000 fruit bearing and ornamental saplings to 31 Villages of Tengnoupal district in Manipur on Friday. On Friday, Assam Rifles distributed 1,10,000 fruit bearing and ornamental saplings to 31 Villages of Tengnoupal district in Manipur. As part of its project for employment and income generation through afforestation, the sapling were distributed to

'Smoking In Public Place Is Punishable Under COTPA' Manipur State Nodal Officer

Yesterday, Somorjit Ningombam, State Nodal Officer, National Tobacco Control Programme (NTPC), said that various laws available for public health is useless in Manipur as no law enforcers have ever acted to actually enforce them. Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003 (COTPA), was enacted by the Government of India to evade dangerous health effects of

Govt To Hire Social Media Monitors For All 716 Districts

I&B ministry will now set up a social media communication hub to monitor online content across each of India’s 716 districts. As per the available report, it will be implemented through the ministry’s broadcast engineering arm, BECIL. It has requested the ministry about the need for a social media analytical (SMA) tool. It says: “A

By |2018-05-24T02:35:50+05:30May 24th, 2018|Categories: Featured, India|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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