Yesterday, Pune based Kirloskar Brothers’ Limited’s (KBL) company said that their experts have given technical support in the operations to rescue a football team trapped inside a cave system in Thailand. Indian Embassy recommended to the Thai authorities regarding their expertise in “dewatering”.
Experts of this company were on site since July 5 and offered “technical know-how and advice on dewatering and pumps involved in the rescue operation. According to the KBL release, the company had also offered to provide four specialised high capacity Autoprime dewatering pumps.
In this accident, a football team of 12 boys along with their coach were got trapped when heavy rains caused flooding in Tham Luang cave in mountainous northern Thailand on June 23. The rescue mission was operated with the help of experts from various countries. The final five boys were rescued yesterday after spending 18 harrowing days trapped deep inside.
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