One night, the family of Vijendra Mahto was burned by main accused Jagat Rai. The cause of this horrible act was a buffalo. Yesterday, President Ram Nath Kovind has rejected the mercy petition of main accused Jagat Rai, whose death sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2013.
According to police records, there was a knock around 1 am on January 1, 2006. Vijendra found Jagat Rai, a local man who he had earlier accused of stealing his buffalo, was at the door along with few associates. They huddled his entire family on a cot and put kerosene on them. Jagat and his men then put them on fire and bolted the door from outside.
His wife, two daughters, and three sons were inside the house. Before Vijendra’s brothers, who lived in the vicinity, could react, the whole family, except Vijendra, was charred to death. Vijendra survived with serious burn injuries. He died a year later.
Bablu Mahato, Vijendra’s younger brother said that no punishment can compensate burning children to death. We thank the President.

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