Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared an ambitious plan in space technology during his fifth Independence Day address. He told the audience that an Indian astronaut will go on a space odyssey by 2022 on board ‘Gaganyaan’. If it happens then India will be the fourth country having such a remarkable space technology.
India has been working on human spaceflight for over a decade, but it still does not have a powerful rocket for sending astronauts into space.
AS Kiran Kumar, former chairman of Isro, said, “This is a developmental activity that eventually will be used for a human spaceflight. A human spaceflight is an expensive proposition!”
ISRO has recently achieved the milestone of the cheapest successful Mars mission. Dr K Sivan from ISRO shared in an interview, “Certainly, a human space mission is the next big step and ISRO is already on the job. A very, very tight schedule, but I believe that ISRO will do it by 2022.”

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