On Tuesday, a furious Supreme Court Bench threatened to send Assam State National Register of Citizens (NRC) Coordinator and the Registrar General of India.
The Bench of Justices Ranjan Gogoi and Rohinton Fali Nariman pulled up Coordinator Prateek Hajela and Registrar General Sailesh for their comments in the media about how the authorities would deal with the claims and objections.
However, the government is still developing the plan and Supreme Court is still there to review and approve the said procedure. Honourable Supreme Court Bench counted it as contempt of the court.
The bench said in the short order that the comments made by them were “highly improper”. We could have taken “sterner” action against them. However, we are considering about incomplete NRC work and we suggest them to mind that work only.
Both officers shared that this was just not an intended action. We were trying to overcome the fear of common man.

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