On Tuesday, Central government asked WhatsApp to comply with the regulators and set up a local entity to put an end to the string of fake messages. IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has also asked to find a technical solution to trace the origin of such messages.
WhatsApp CEO Chris Daniels is in India. After meeting with him, IT minister said, “I had a productive meeting with Chris Daniels, the CEO of WhatsApp. I complimented him for the awakening, which WhatsApp has led in the entire country… But there are also sinister developments like mob lynching and revenge porn, you must find solutions to these challenges, which are downright criminal and violation of Indian laws.”
WhatsApp has contributed significantly to India’s digital story. The company is really concern around fake news on its messaging platform which led to horrific crimes like mob-lynching.
According to sources, Daniels will be in India for next 4-5 days and is scheduled to meet business and government officials.
Last month, WhatsApp top executives including COO Matthew Idema had met IT secretary and various other Indian government officials to outline various steps to put an end over the circulation of fake news.
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