Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra has officially recommended Justice Ranjan Gogoi as his successor. Now, it is a strong belief that Ranjan Gogoi is all set to be the next Chief Justice of India. Mr. Gogai will be the first chief justice of the apex court from the north-eastern states.
In his home state Assam, former colleagues recall him as a soft-spoken but tough judge. Gogai’s former colleagues also describe him as a workaholic and someone who was not fond of “joining clubs” but would either work or spend time with his family.
Mr. Ranjan Gogoi first practised as a lawyer in the Gauhati High Court. He started his career in 1978. He was elevated as a judge in February 2001.
You might be able to recall that press conference held in January by four judges of the apex court. Mr. Gogoi was one of them. He also made headlines for hearing the contentious issue of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which is being monitored by the Supreme Court.
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