On Wednesday, Yoga guru Ramdev has taken one more step in the world of communication. Recently, Ramdev has launched Swadeshi Samriddhi SIM cards, in alliance with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). Now, a new messaging application called Kimbho is launched.
Kimbho application is similar to the famous messaging app WhatsApp. The tagline of Kimbho is kept as “Ab Bharat Bolega”. Patanjali’s spokesperson SK Tijarawala tweeted, “Now Bharat will speak. After launching sim cards, Baba Ramdev has launched a new messaging application called Kimbho. Now Whats App will be given a competition. Our own #SwadeshiMessagingplatform. Download it directly from Google Play Store.”
Swadeshi Samriddhi SIM cards are currently available only for Patanjali employees. We can count it as a testing phase. Soon, it will be available for masses.
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