M Ajanya, a 19-year-old girl successfully defeated Nipah virus and walked out of the hospital. While she was going for the treatment for this dreadful infection, only a few people had an expectation of her to come alive. PV Usha Devi, nurse of the hospital stated that it was one of the best days of her career. The virus with no possible treatments and medication is spreading rapidly in north Kerala. Two nursing students ‘Ajanya’ and ‘Ubeesh’ were reported Nipah-positive.
As per the recent sources, around 17 people survived Nipah in the past 10 days. Health experts believe that the way people are dealing with the infection is really admirable. In Kozhikode and Malappuram districts the educational universities dedicated their first session for the education regarding Nipah virus, symptoms, causes, and etc. DR. VJayasree, a district medical officer stated that a group of the medical department, efficient supervision by political leadership is all that helped us fight against the epidemic.

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