On Monday, SpiceJet Ltd. completed its historical flight using jatropha seeds oil and a mix of aviation fuel. This flight was covered by a Bombardier Q400 aircraft which made the trip from Dehradun to New Delhi. Yes, it was more than 120 miles.
This was the first successful experiment of using biofuel for flight operations. We can say that a great experience of using alternative resources to cut India’s dependence on oil imports.
In a statement, SpiceJet said, “It would lower costs and help reduce carbon emissions by 15%. This fuel is also clean, it creates less noise pollution, it creates far less carbon footprint, infects it creates zero emission of greenhouse gases.”
Bio-jet fuel has the remarkable potential to reduce fuel cost and bring down fares. Using biofuels will help Modi’s goal of cutting oil imports by 10 percent in the next four years. The central government has come up with a new policy to encourage biofuel production from non-food feedstock such as solid and industrial waste and biomass.
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