On Friday, UP Government has accused Muslim appellants of causing a delay in the Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case in the Supreme Court. Additional Solicitor-General Tushar Mehta pointed that there was something “inherently wrong” with the appellants’ plea for involving the Constitution Bench to first decide the question whether “mosque as a place of prayer is an essential part of Islam” before the appeals are heard anymore.
In reply to that senior advocate Rajeev Dhavan said, “If the congregation part of Islam is taken away, a large part of Islam goes worthless. Mosques are meant for congregation and prayer.”
“The Ayodhya dispute has been going on for over 60 years. There are 533 exhibits involved, 83 witnesses have been examined, documents up to 30,990 pages have been compiled, the number of books are more than 1,000, the records are in various languages from Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Pali, etc, there are artifacts, religious sentiments and pathos across the width and depth of the country are involved,” Mr. Mehta submitted before a Special Bench of three judges led by Chief Justice Dipak Misra.
On this Rajeev Dhavan reacted that the Uttar Pradesh government was supposed to be a “neutral party” in this case.
Meanwhile, the apex court has scheduled the next hearing for July 13.
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