One porter from Idukki in Kerala has found a way for shaping future. Sreenath K is awaiting the rank list of the last grade servant level test of the Kerala public service commission. Yes, he is an authorized porter at this railway station and also, working hard for clearing public service commission examination.
All this is happening because of WiFi at the Ernakulam junction railway station. Sreenath says, “Work and study side to side is tough, but technology is making it easier. Using this WiFi, I study for the exam. I have done this using available audio class regarding the subject. Whenever I got time to go through PDF study material, I love to sit and read it on my mobile. Otherwise, I switch to audio books using earphones and study while doing my work.”
Earnings from being a porter are obviously peanuts. Sreenath is hoping for a good rank in the PSC test so that he could support his family and his daughter.

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