India expressed disappointment over measures shared by WhatsApp for tracing fake news, saying WhatsApp can’t escape from its responsibility and requires finding originators of such provoking messages. In the second notice, the government warned that it will be bound to treat WhatsApp platform as ‘abettor’ of rumour propagation and legal consequences will follow or the company should have something as a solid arrangement for checking the fake news.
Also in the past, the Indian government had issued a stern warning to the company to clamp down on hoax messages. In response, WhatsApp introduced a new feature to let its users identify the forwarded messages. And, it also shared detailed ads for giving “easy tips” to easily spot fake news.
Law and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad informed the Rajya Sabha that he will hold a discussion with stakeholders, including political parties, to evolve a policy to deal with the misuse of social media. The IT ministry also shared that it has approached WhatsApp to bring more effective solutions to ensure greater “accountability and facilitate enforcement of the law” beyond all these existing efforts.

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