On Friday, Navjot Singh Sidhu, reached Lahore to watch his friend Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf chief Imran Khan take over as Prime Minister.
While interacting with media in Lahore, Navjot Singh Sidhu said, “I have come here not as a politician but as a friend to take part in the happiness of my friend, Imran Khan.”
After huge criticism for the visit over social media, Navjot Singh Sidhu brushed them aside and reached Lahore for the ceremony. To a question, Mr Sidhu said he had brought a Kashmiri shawl as a gift for “Khan Sahib”. Mr Sidhu said he saw himself as “a goodwill ambassador of India” and had brought “a message of love” from India.
According to Pakistan newspaper Dawn, the cricketer-turned-politician recalled how former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had also pushed for improving ties with Pakistan. He said, “If there is a fire at a neighbour’s house, we will also get the heat. You can’t change your neighbours, you have to get along with them”.
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