E Sreedharan, an 86-year-old, the retired civil engineer has accepted the challenge of forming the essential standards for the Indian Metro railway system. In a recent interview conducted along with Ramesh Babu, E Sreedharan clarified that India recently needs a secure, fast, and modern railway system rather than the bullet trains as these trains can only cater to the requirements of the elites.
As per the statement of the metro man, he has been continuously challenged for indigenization of metro rail system for a long period. This standardization would surely bring efficiency and reduce the cost to a great extent. He further added that Indian railway system has not yet made a quick progress excluding the bio-toilets people haven’t observed any other technical upgrade. Besides that, there are no changes observed in the number of deaths and accidents of the people on railway tracks. Around 20,000 Indian die yearly while crossing the railway track in the urban areas. As per E Sreedharan, though bullet trains are safe, they are very expensive mean of transport for an ordinary man.

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