Delhi Police has arrested a 22-year-old BTech graduate for allegedly conning the delivery boy for a wristwatch worth Rs 90,000.
DCP (North) Nupur Prasad told that Vaibhav Khurana wanted to impress his girlfriend. So, he hatched a plan to order the watch through an e-commerce site on the delivery boy and then walk away with it.
DCP further said, “Khurana asked the delivery boy Sahu to meet him outside the Kashmere Gate Metro station. The two met there and Khurana asked Sahu to come accompanying him on his bike to Civil Lines. After reaching at a wrong address, he asked the delivery boy to ring the doorbell while Khurana allegedly left with the bag containing the delivery box.”
Delhi police tracked the phone number used for making this order. Khurana’s home was raided and the stolen watch and the bike were recovered.
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