An overnight Internet sensation, rebel software engineer Roopesh Kumar Verma from Bengaluru, taught all of us the superb way to celebrate last day at the office. Verma, who hails from Rajasthan become an overnight Internet sensation after his photos riding a horse went viral.
In these photos, he is on a white horse and entering his office building. He can also be seen bearing a sign that says ‘last working day as a software engineer’. Verma has also vowed to quit software engineering world as he feels that techies in India are being exploited by rich multinational companies (MNCs).
According to him, most of the techies are working for MNCs, making them rich. Instead of that, like-minded software engineers should gather and start their own venture. He also pointed out that those who ride auto-rickshaws and trucks have their own union to raise their voice but software engineers have no such unions.
About this gimmick of horse riding, he shared with a media person that he was fed up with the bottlenecks and air pollution. This city is overcrowded, and too many vehicles on its roads lead to traffic jams every day. In fact, I learnt horse riding because of a traffic headache.
Well, this was an act based on many sincere concerns. However, social media is going crazy over his photos and people are posting all sorts of remarks over this horse riding gimmick.

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