Minutes after news broke that police recovered letters plotting to kill PM Modi from the home of Delhi-based activist Rona Wilson and Maoists were plotting another Rajiv Gandhi Kind of the incident, media reports have said that Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis also received a death threat.
As per a renowned channel, two threat letters addressed to the office of the chief minister of Maharashtra were received on this Friday. It is considered as the reaction of Gadchiroli encounter. In this encounter, 37 Maoist cadres were killed. Maharashtra home department has also confirmed threats to news agency ANI.
Reacting to the news, Chief Minister Fadnavis told reporters that he has handed over the threat letters to the police for further investigation. This is a greater conspiracy hatched by the so-called ‘urban Maoists’ in Pune and few other cities in India. We need to wait for the further reports as Police investigation is going on.

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