A team of mountaineers has discovered a frozen body of a soldier and parts of the wreckage of an IAF plane which crashed in Himachal Pradesh’s Spiti Valley 50 years ago. This team was on a garbage clean-up expedition to Chandrabhaga – 13 peak from July 1 to 15.
Rajiv Rawat was leading this team told PTI over the phone from Uttarkashi, “First we stumbled upon parts of the wrecked aircraft which was followed by the discovery of the frozen body of a soldier lying with its head down. The hand and hair were almost intact despite fifty years of the crash.”
Rajiv further added that parts of the wreckage and the bodies must be spread over an area of 2- 2.5 kilometre This clean-up expedition was organised jointly by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation and the ONGC.
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