This post has some of the answers given by Tech Mahindra CEO, C P Gurnani in an interview to a renowned media house. He was asked about hiring in the IT sector and relevant stress about hiring the skilled person in India. And, the answer was –
In Delhi, a student scoring 60% marks cannot pursue BA-English today, but can definitely go in for engineering. My point is simple — are we not creating people for unemployment? The Indian IT industry wants skills. Top 10 IT companies take only 6% of the engineering graduates. What happens to the remaining 94%? Earlier for every million dollars of revenue, 20 people were hired. The equation is changing now, as same million dollars will require only 15 new jobs.
Next question was about the US strategy over the H-1B and its possible impact on IT companies. Mr Gurnani answered in this way –
To be very candid, every small issue is made big. Sooner than later, the US has to realise that the equilibrium has to set in. I believe that if the US does not want the products to be developed on their shores, the products will get developed in some other country.
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