A Mumbai metropolitan court ruled an order for 10 days’ imprisonment along with a fine of Rs 3,000 to a 75-year-old man for keeping his 28 cattle out in the rain for five days during the 2013 monsoon, instead of keeping them dry in a covered shed.
Gopal Phulsunge is the owner of 17 cows, eight calves and bulls. He was found guilty of confining the animals in a small space near a road for five days. Metropolitan magistrate AH Kashikar said, “The accused ought to have made necessary arrangements for the proper shelter of the animals, who provide him with his daily bread and butter,”
Five years after the incident, he got this punishment as that could have been detrimental to the health of cows and bulls. In the allegation of animal cruelty, the prosecution brought in a local resident, who confirmed that he had seen the cattle tied by the footpath.

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