As per the recent reports, there were about the dead bodies of 11 members spotted at the house in Delhi’s Burari on the morning of July 1. Around 10 dead bodies were observed hanging on the ceiling and were blindfolded whereas a woman aged around 75 years was spotted lying on the floor. According to the Joint CP central range, Rajesh Khurana, the dead bodies of 4 men and 7 women involving 3 teenagers has been discovered.  The Delhi Police further said that they are investigating the case from all aspects. Though as per the evidence present at the incident spot, the police is suspecting that the entire family has committed suicide, however, they are still checking CCTV footage and conducting investigations to confirm it.
The entire dead members were reported to live together and run a small grocery store in Sant Nagar near Delhi Burari’s section. Their shop usually open by 6 am, however, one of the neighbours visited their house as the store didn’t open by 7:30 am. The neighbour on spotting the family hanging on the ceiling immediately informed the police.

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